The tensions in Ukraine are speedily beefing up. Buildings, airports and lives of people are under the control of Russian backed armed men.
Reuters reported that armed men have besieged the two Crimean airports and acquired full control of them. Ukrainian leaders have blamed that “Moscow has invaded us and these armed men are backed by Russia”. They said that the banished President Viktor Yanukovich is on the run and supposed to be hiding in Russia.
On the other hand, the Interfax news agency reported that “Russian military authorities denied the blame and they had not been involved in any military occupation”. These are not Russians rather they are Crimean militiamen, said a supporter.
Kiev’s border security confirmed that more than 10 helicopters of Russia have monitored the peninsula and one of the units of Sevastopol port had been blocked by the Russian servicemen.
Besides, Russia has vowed that it would support the interest of Russians living in the Ukraine and confirmed that it would not opt for military option to end the crisis. Upon receiving a plea from new Ukraine leaders, U.N Security Council had summoned an emergency session scheduled to be held on Friday. The new leadership of Ukraine blamed Russia in its request to Security Council that “Russia has threatened the sovereignty of Ukraine and the invasion should not be taken likely”.
The major political shift in Ukraine would last far reaching effects over the world. Russia had categorically said that it was not happy with the removal of Yanukovich.
The Secretary States John Kerry had already spoken with Foreign Minister of Russia to end the crisis but so far no constructive solution has been chalked out.
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/02/28/ukraine-crimea-airports_n_4873328.html?utm_hp_ref=world