Selling a house takes time. Even in a hot market, the average time to sell a house is about 30 days, and in a slower market, it might a seller as long as nine months to close a deal. In order to make quicker sales, many sellers will stage their homes, presenting the property in a way that makes it attractive to potential buyers.
This is precisely what Florida grandmother Yolie Ball was trying to do with her Davenport, Florida home. She made her home presentable, and invited her daughter over to help her take some pictures, which she could post online to attract more offers.
“I thought they were hilarious,” Makenzie Ball, Yolie’s granddaughter, told BuzzFeed News. “I was almost crying because I was laughing so hard.”
The reason the seemingly mundane photos were so gut busting? Yolie decided to pose in a few.
Makenzie wasn’t the only one who thought the photos were so comical. After the 15-year-old tweeted them, the pictures went hyper viral, receiving almost 30,000 retweets, almost 52,000 favorites, and an incredible amount of pleasant replies, including:
“That’s the best thing i’ve seen all day”
“She’s the cutest!!!! I like the peek around the door one best”
“Does the house come with four grandmas as shown in the pictures? If not, I’m not interested.”
Unfortunately, Yolie did not wind up using the pictures in her actual listing.
“I had no intention of being in the photos,” said Yolie, who explained that it took convincing from her daughter to get her to pose with a book, on the kitchen counter leaning, and around a corner peaking. “It was just a fun thing that we were doing.”
After the photos exploded online, Makenzie called her grandmother to let her know of her new Internet fame.
“She doesn’t really understand the lingo, but she knew what Twitter was and she knew it was a lot of people,” Makenzie told BuzzFeed News. “I mostly just read her all the really sweet replies I was getting and it made her giggle and smile.”
According to the teen, the reactions her pictures received wound up making her grandmother’s week, adding that “She’s just a very happy lady and it makes her ecstatic to make this many people smile!”