Just like any marketing campaign, SMS campaign needs thorough planning. You can’t just execute something that you thought out of the blue. Your idea of a campaign should run into processes in order for you to successfully execute that idea.
So how do you do it? How can you execute your idea into a winning SMS Marketing campaign?
Here are some pointers that you should keep in mind. (and your white label SEO firm can help you with this).
Tip #1 – Choose the right keyword
You don’t just compose a message. You need to think it over and over. And you need the right keywords so that your customers will surely remember the important part of your message. So how do you choose the right keywords? There are ways of doing this:
- Your keyword should be short. Shorter keywords are easy to remember, especially in text messages. Since you only have limited characters, shorter keywords will be a great help in composing your message.
- Your keyword should be simple. Avoid using complicated keywords that are hard to spell out and remember. When they see your keywords, your customers should be able to see it immediately and remember it easily.
- You should choose a keyword that reflects your brand. If you are selling shoes, avoid using keywords that do not have any relation to shoes like animals, food, etc. If you include unnecessary keywords your customers will get confused with your message.
Tip #2 – Find the right SMS provider that fits your requirements
This is one of the important things that you need to consider. Don’t just choose an SMS provider just because it is cheaper or runs a super great discount. Choose an SMS provider that fits your business and marketing requirements.
In doing this, you need to do a little research on all the available SMS providers in your area or in the industry. If you don’t know where to start, here are pointers to guide you in finding the right SMS provider to team up with.
- Can the company accommodate your keywords?
Remember, you took a lot of time in thinking of the most appropriate and easy to remember keywords for your SMS campaign? So it is a must that you should be able to use that. Your provider should allow you to use any keywords that you want. There might be providers that may not allow you to use certain keywords as they are being used by their current clients that might be your competitor. You should definitely check this out first.
- Does the company have good customer support?
You need to team up with a provider that has good customer support. This is to be prepared for any problem that may arise. You should be able to contact them any time to fix any issue. Nothing is more frustrating than to talk to an answering machine when you badly need a human person to help you out in a certain situation.
- Does the company has the technology to support your SMS marketing campaign?
You are not sending to five, ten, or twenty customers. You are sending to hundreds or even thousands of customers and would be customers. That is why your provider (maybe you use a white label SEO firm) should have the technology to accommodate this large number. It is also good to note if they have an email technology where you can also send emails to your customers.
This is just one of the many features that you need to look into. Try looking at the features that they are offering and ask the providers if they can do certain activities that can help you execute your SMS marketing campaign successfully.
- Does the company have good credit?
You may check the provider’s website and learn about their services. Read what people are saying about them. And see if they are really a good fit to partner with when it comes to your SMS campaign.
Tip #3 – Find the right service plan for your SMS marketing campaign
After choosing the right SMS provider for your SMS marketing campaign, it is now time to find the right service plan that will suit your budget and requirements. Before choosing the service plan for your campaign, you need to consider the following:
- How many keywords do the plan is accommodating?
Ask your service provider if they have some rules when it comes to using keywords or number of keywords. Some service providers are very particular with the number of keywords.
- How many text messages can you send in a week and a month?
It is also good to know the number of text messages that you are allowed to send in a day, week, or a month. If you are running a campaign, one text is not enough. So you need to know the right service plan that will accommodate the frequency of your messages.
Despite the rise of different online messaging platforms, SMS is still a popular communication tool that most of us use. It is also one of the personal ways to keep in touch with your customers or would be customers. It is also the best way to directly inform them of your new promos, products, or services. And once your customers agree to receive text messages from you, it will be a great way to send them messages without any guilt feeling. Because once they give you that permission, it only means that they are interested in what you are trying to say and they will be listening.
Following the above pointers, it will surely help you create a winning SMS marketing campaign from a white label SEO team that will result in sales and repeat sales. So keep doing the above pointers whenever you are launching an SMS campaign.
Moreover, people are social beings and communication is a staple in their everyday living. No matter what the format is, they need to communicate with other people. And SMS marketing is a good way to communicate with your customers. And it will never get old. Receiving a personalized message and seeing that in their inbox is one step ahead to create a good sale.