When Should You Get an Attorney After a Trucking Accident

Truck drivers are a big part of our local and national economies and communities’. Without them, the supply chain grinds to a halt, and it is hard to get supplies and goods from Point A to Point B. But truckers face a number of challenges and hardships, including an increased risk for accidents while out […]

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3 Ways to LOSE Your Motorcycle Accident Claim

There is a possibility that you can lose your motorcycle accident claim. Despite hiring a motorcycle accident lawyer, you can still end up without any settlement. So how does that happen? The first reason is if the driver that hit you does not have bodily injury liability insurance coverage. Video Source This policy is supposed […]

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Are New Granite Countertops Right for Your Home?

Deciding which countertops are the right choice for your kitchen is a big decision. Many people choose granite countertops for their look and their durability but do looks and durability tell you all you need to know about granite countertops or is there something else you should know? This video from Chick Fix gives you […]

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