If you’re looking at Goldendoodles for sale, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by their cuteness and want to bring them home as soon as possible. However, as with any puppy, you’ll want to make sure that your home is prepared before you bring them into it and you’ll want to know how to prepare for a Goldendoodle puppy. Just as you would childproof a home, you’ll also need to puppy-proof a home until they’re old enough to learn what not to do. By taking the time to do this, you can help keep your new puppy safe and prevent them from damaging your home when you’re not looking.
To make puppy-proofing your home easier, here is everything you need to know about how to prepare for a Goldendoodle puppy.
1. Clean Your Home
Firstly, when learning how to prepare for a Goldendoodle puppy, house cleaning is something to keep in mind, and it will be especially important before bringing your Goldendoodle home. You’ll want to make sure that all wires are either inaccessible or unplugged when you’re not using them. Teething puppies will chew on them — and anything else they can get their paws on — and it can be dangerous if the cord is plugged in. You should also make sure that all shoes are put where your puppy can’t reach them, as well as any cleaning supplies. Small trash bins can also be a targeted object, and puppies love digging through them like it’s an Olympic sport. If you have any open bins in your bathroom or kitchen that a puppy could knock over, make sure to either get a top for it or close off the space so your puppy can’t access it.
Another thing you’ll want to look into is if any of your houseplants are poisonous to dogs. Ivy, tomato plants, aloe vera, American holly, baby’s breath, tulips, and many others can cause illness if ingested by dogs. Before bringing your puppy home, make sure to check all of your plants, and move them — even if they’re not poisonous — out of reach so that they don’t get nibbled.
While cleaning, you may also want to consider if there are any areas of your home that you want to keep your puppy out of. For instance, if you have an unfinished basement, you may want to make sure that your puppy won’t accidentally wander down and get hurt. Buying baby gates can also help section off your home to ensure that your pup doesn’t go anywhere that you don’t want them to.
2. Check and Fix Your HVAC
As summers get hotter, heat can be a significant problem for pet parents. Hot weather can be especially dangerous for dogs, and they can quickly overheat. Another thing to consider when thinking about how to prepare for a Goldendoodle puppy is the temperature of your home. If your home’s air conditioning isn’t functioning as it should, you should check out the AC companies near you to see who is available to come to do repairs. If you’re going to be bringing your puppy home during the summer, AC will be essential to ensure that your puppy is safe and comfortable.
Similarly, it’s important to note the signs of overheating in your pup, so that you can tell if it’s too hot in your current location. Symptoms such as hyperventilating, panting, dry, pale gums, excessive salivation, confusion, and weakness, can all be signs that your dog is overheated. If this happens, try to get them somewhere cooler quickly and provide them with cool water to drink. You may also want to rinse them in cool water to help further bring their temperatures down. Pet cooling pads can also be bought that your puppy can lay on to help them stay cool.
Preferably, the AC in your home will be enough to keep them cool on even the hottest days, but it is important to keep an eye on them if they go outside. Never leave them outside during the summer and always make sure they have access to fresh water.
3. Get Rid of Pests and Dangerous Animals
When considering how to prepare for a Goldendoodle puppy, it’s important to get your home checked for pests before bringing your new fur baby home. Things like insects and mice can be hazardous to new puppies who may want to chase and or eat these creatures. Even if you don’t think you have any problems, it’s a good idea to have your home inspected by a pest control professional and to have pet-friendly preventive measures put in place to ensure that none of these pests can get in later.
Similarly, animals like possums, raccoons, coyotes, and snakes can also be dangerous to puppies and it’s important to safeguard your yard from these animals to ensure that they won’t attack your pup while they’re going to the bathroom before bedtime.
A wildlife control specialist can help identify areas where these animals can get into your yard, as well as give you ideas about how you can help keep them away. For instance, keeping your trash bins secured so raccoons can’t treat them like an all-you-can-eat buffet.
Motion-sensing lights can also help keep these animals at bay, and they can help you keep tabs on your pup at night when they go out to do their business.
4. Find a Vet
When it comes to how to prepare for a Goldendoodle puppy, it’s important to locate a vet clinic near you that you can trust so that you know who to take your pup to once you bring them home. You should contact this vet and tell them about the puppy you are going to be bringing home. They will be able to tell you when you should bring them in for their first vaccines and check-up. Pet vaccines are mandatory in many states, and some are required if you want to take your pup to a dog grooming service or doggy daycare facility. This is because these vaccines can help prevent illness from spreading between dogs, some of which could be life-threatening. They are definitely something that you don’t want to put off, so make sure that you speak with a vet even before you get your puppy so that you can schedule an appointment.
5. Stock Up On Supplies
Puppies require a lot of supplies, and you’re going to need to start stocking up before bringing your puppy home. When it comes to how to prepare for a Goldendoodle puppy, this can be one of the most important steps to remember, and there is a lot that goes into it.
Firstly, you’re going to need grooming supplies such as a brush, nail clippers, and shampoo. While bathing and nail clipping can be done by a professional groomer, you should at least keep some shampoo on hand in case your pup gets into a mess. Regardless, you will definitely need a brush to ensure that your puppy’s coat stays shiny and healthy. Goldendoodles should be brushed every two to three weeks, on average, and starting early can help your puppy acclimate to the process.
Second, you’re going to need a secure crate that can give your puppy a safe and comfortable place to sleep so that you don’t have to worry about them getting into things during the night. You should fill the crate with soft blankets and a dog bed to help increase its comfort, and adding a few toys can help your dog begin to recognize it as their space.
Thirdly, you’ll need to get a collar and leash that fits your puppy. You’ll want a collar that is snug but not too tight, and you may also want to have a custom dog tag made with your dog’s name and your address and phone number. While you certainly never want your dog to get lost, having an identification like this can help good Samaritans identify them and bring them back. Having your dog microchipped can also be a good idea in the case of scenarios like this as well.
Lastly, you’ll want to stock up on puppy pads. When you first get your pup, it’s likely they won’t be housebroken and because of this, accidents will happen. Having plenty of puppy pads lying around can help reduce the chances of your flooring being ruined, and it can be good for times when you’re going to be away from home for a bit. Although they may be small, you’ll be amazed at how often they need to go to the bathroom.
6. Food and Water
If you want to know how to prepare for a Goldendoodle puppy, then it’s good to know that pet nutrition is important. You’ll want to make sure that you invest in the best food for your puppy. Puppies and adult dogs have different nutritional needs, and it is important that you get food formulated for puppies instead of older dogs. For instance, Goldendoodle puppies can be at risk of developing a permanent and crippling hip disease if they ingest too much calcium while they are growing. If you’re not sure what the best food to get is, this is a good question to ask your new vet. Not only can they give you professional recommendations, but they can help you set up a timeline for when you should start transitioning to other foods.
For water, you should consider investing in a water bowl with an attached water reservoir that can ensure that your puppy always has access to fresh clean water. You also won’t have to worry about refilling their water bowls as much, as these can usually hold water for a couple of days.
7. Consider Daycare
Doggy daycare is something to consider if you’re getting a new puppy but know you’re not going to be home during the day. These facilities can also help give your dog other friends to play with while under the supervision of caring and knowledgeable staff members.
Some of these daycare centers may even offer training so that your dog can learn while they are there. Even if training isn’t specifically offered, these daycare centers can help them socialize with other dogs, helping to prevent potential fear or anxiety reactions that they might experience without this exposure.
8. House Rules and Training
Lastly, when learning how to prepare for a Goldendoodle puppy, you’ll want to consider the house rules that you want to enact. For instance, if you aren’t going to allow them on furniture, or if they aren’t allowed in specific rooms. You should always consider this before bringing your puppy home, so that you can start teaching them as soon as possible. Without this step, you could end up confusing them, especially if you try and change rules months later. For instance, if you let your puppy on the furniture, but decide later that they shouldn’t be allowed, they can have a hard time unlearning this behavior.
You should also consider how you are going to go about training your Goldendoodle. Many pet parents enjoy having help from a professional trainer, and it is something to consider if you have a training service near you. Oftentimes, services like this can help teach you the most effective methods of training so that your pup can be the most well-behaved dog on the block.
Giving Your Goldendoodle The Best Forever Home Possible
When it comes to learning how to prepare for a Goldendoodle puppy, there are a lot of things to consider. However, all of them are essential for ensuring that your pup has everything it needs to live a long and happy life in its new home. By taking steps like this, you can ensure that you and your home is as prepared as possible to welcome the newest member of your family.