25 countries now helping search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

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On Sunday, Malaysian authorities said in a press briefing that the number of countries involved in the search operation of missing flight has increased from 14 to 25. Furthermore, Khalid Abu Bakar Police chief Inspector General said that “we have not received any alarming information so far and Police has not received any background information of all the passengers boarded in the missing jet.

After the declaration of deliberate act, the Malaysian police authorities have started probing the flight simulator belonging to one of the missing jet pilots.  The Malaysian authorities said that “Police has thoroughly investigated the background of both pilots of missing jet and has not found any useful information so far”.

Besides, investigators said that the air traffic controller heard a last message from the missing jet before its disappearance as “All right, Good night” and after that the communication system was totally disabled. On this message, air force Maj. Gen. Affendi Buang told to media reporters that “this is something very meaningful and most of the pilots do not send messages like this”. He further said that we did not know whether it was a message from pilot or his co-pilot or any other person boarded in the plane.

Apart from this, it has been learned from reliable sources that ACARS system of the missing jet kept on sending pulses for more than 7 hours and it is said that the jet was flying somewhere Kazakhstan in Central Asia or far into the southern Indian Ocean.

malaysia-airlines-projected-pathFurthermore, experts said that whosoever disabled the communication system and changed the route of jet was undoubtedly well versed with the technicalities of the jet planes and this cannot be done by inexperienced people.

Last but not the least 2 weeks have been lapsed but so far wreckage of the missing jet has not been found. Let us see whether the expansion in the search operation bring any alarming information or the missing jet will remain a mystery to the whole world.


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