One UK Dental School That’s Trying to Reach Students Where They Are

Sheffield University in the UK is setting up a free online dentistry course to give future dentists a jump-start on their careers. Christopher Stokes, educator at Sheffield’s School of Clinical Dentistry, hopes this type of program will offer students interested in dentistry the means to learn more about the field and the chance to shine […]

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Toyota Testing Prototype for New High-Performance Hybrid

When most Americans think of hybrid cars, trips to the grocery store and fuel-efficient interstate trips tend to come to mind since, according to stats compiled by Statistic Brain, two million hybrids were sold in the U.S. in 2012. However, Toyota is working to bring hybrid technology to racing and is testing a new Le […]

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Lack of Space, Physical and Virtual, Pushes George Washington University Toward the Cloud

Cloud computing is the name of the game when it comes to technology in 2014. With 2.5 quintillion bytes of new data being created each and every day, most businesses lack the resources and the space to keep up with their storage needs without outsourcing to a cloud hosting service. Quite simply, it’s a matter […]

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For Nuclear Plants and Messy Kitchens, Robotic Cleaners Are the Answer

Think back to the first time you saw a robotic vacuum cleaner. It was likely inside a friend’s apartment, and someone probably threw a potato chip on the floor in order to summon the robot to inhale it. It was probably presented as some kind of 21st century pet, and most folks probably loved it […]

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Questions of the Day: What’s a Dawicki and Is It the Same as a Melly?

One of the most interesting things first semester college freshmen discover is the way other kids from different parts of the country speak. They’ll make friends from the Philadelphia area who pronounce “water” as “wooder,” others who fiercely debate between “soda,” “pop,” or “coke,” and, perhaps most surprisingly, even some who call a TV remote […]

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