Ridiculous Lawsuits: Minnesota Man Sues Relative Over Embarrassing Facebook Picture

We’re living in a world dominated by social media platforms. While the law does protect individuals from harassment, not everything that makes you feel uncomfortable constitutes as such an act. One man from Minnesota found that out the hard way. When Aaron Olson discovered that his uncle had posted photos from his childhood on Facebook, […]

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3 Great Tips For Exploring the 49th State: Alaska

Americans love to travel all over the globe. Flying across oceans and checking out foreign countries can be magical, but there is something special about traveling to various parts of the United States. By traveling the U.S., you’re not only gaining a historical perspective, but you’re broadening your horizons, trying new and exciting foods, and […]

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The Future Of Digital Marketing: Trending Tips From Industry Experts

We live in an era that depends wholeheartedly on the Internet for our information; as such, business owners the world over are forced to compete for consumer attention via their online presence. However, as this competition continues to increase, so too does the need for optimized websites. Some of the industry’s leading experts have stated […]

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New Bill Could Reshape Child Custody Following a Divorce

Divorce is tough on the couple, sure, but it’s much more difficult on the children. Whether it’s an infant, a toddler, or a teenager; they’ll pick up on the situation and quickly realize something is wrong. If not handled properly, this could lead to serious issues down the line. Divorce courts deal with four basic […]

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Last Year’s Average Auto Expenses Reached All-Time High

The two biggest purchases that anyone will make throughout their life are virtually always the same: a home and an automobile. Whether you prefer the term “silver” or “cash, there’s no doubt that these items are pricey. Though both of these markets can fluctuate both in the buyer’s favor and favoring the seller, these purchases […]

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